Friday Favorites

Guess what!? I'm going to Rome!

That's definitely put me in a good mood this week - I heard back from the study abroad program I applied to back in April, and I'm officially in!! I'll be heading to my beloved Italia next spring semester... which is only 6 months away! Oh my goodness, I cannot contain my excitement. I've been loving looking at photographs of Rome, though with all of the historical monuments it's hard to find cityscapes and rubble roads which is what I really loved about Italy (though the monuments are definitely breathtaking as well, I like to immerse in the local life). I've also been amping up my Italian and watching some Italian YouTube beauty gurus - specifically MisStrawberryFields and MrDanielMakeup - because what better way to learn a language than by studying something you love?

I've also been getting a big kick out of (theoretically) designing my future apartment! I know I've still got a ways to go, though I'm sure the next 2 years will fly by like the past 2, but since there's nothing I can do with my current living situation I'm dreaming for the future. In the process I stumbled across a Tumblr called That Inspirational Girl, and all of the pictures on there are gorgeous! Overall it's way more girly and frilly than I'd ever really be but the collection of images is stunning and I can't help but pull inspiration from there.

And I can't believe this actually happened. KTVU announced the names of the Asiana 214 pilots, but I don't think they got it quite right. Apparently it was a false lead (no shit, Sherlock), but what moron would fall for this and broadcast it on tv?! It's almost like when Oprah got trolled by 4chan. It gave me a good laugh but I also now have trust issues. Haha, beware of the internet!!
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Maira Gall