This year I've got a few main items I really need before getting back into the rigorous swing of things. First is a new backpack. I've been using my trusty old classic Jansport for a good while now, and the hole at the bottom is just getting worse. I've been eyeing a new Herschel backpack because they are said to be quite sturdy and are really simple and cute. The only problem is I don't know what color to get! I'm also long overdue for a raincoat. The weather up where I go to school is pretty crazy so I don't know when it'll be foggy, rainy, or 75 degrees and sunshine. Amidst all of this unpredictability the days I hate most are when I am stuck in the rain and have to sit through hour-long (sometimes more!) lectures all wet and disgusting, so I want a nice heavy duty North Face (with a hood, please) so I will be comfy and cosy and DRY during the winter months which will creep up soon enough. Seriously, the lack of summer weather is upsetting.
The other things I want are just miscellaneous staples. I always need a good, cute pajama pant to lounge around in or otherwise wear to those late-night meetings (shh... I know it's fashion faux-pas but I prefer comfy while making important decisions!), some simple shoes and pumps for that club board member photo shoot we have every semester, a staple collared oxford shirt for the autumn, knee-high socks to wear with my boots or just at home being lazy and warm, and a new lip color to brighten up my face when I'll be getting less-than-ideal increments of sleep. Oh boy. Nevertheless, I'm excited for school to start back up because it means I'll get to see all of my friends again and hopefully take some really cool classes. What are your back to school essentials?
3. Pajama Pants
4. Black Pumps